Strumming Some Heartstrings

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
at 2:32 AM

Tagged by Jia Yi to do this quiz .
Are you single - Yea ..
2. Are you happy - Not really .
3. Are you bored - Yes.
4. Are you fair - Which fair ? o.o
5. Are you Italian - Nopeys .
6. Are you intelligent - Don't think so ...
7. Are you honest - NO
8. Are you nice - Maybe ?
9. Are you Irish - Nooooo
10. Are you Asian - Obviously yes -.-
1. Name Surname - (Dunwan)
2. Nick - Sth
3. Birth Place : Singapore ...
4. Hair Colour : Black ?
5. Natural Hair Style : Meaning ?
6. Eye Colour : Black .
7. Birthday : 17 Aug MY BIG Day
8. Mood : i dunnoe
9. Favourite Colour(s) : Blue,Black(it is not a colour lol)and White
10. One place you'd like to visit :Japan
things about my love life.
1. Have you ever been in love - Maybe ?
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Yes .
3. Do you currently have a crush - Sort of ..
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Not by love , that is .
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - YES
6. Have you ever have your heart broken - Yeaps .
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - I think yesh .
8. Are you afraid of commitment - Not really .
9. Who was the last person you hugged - Won't tell .
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to ? - CANNOT SAY
1. Love or Lust - Both o.o Btw , I know what's lust larh -.-
2. Hard liquor or beer - Erms . Both .
3. Cat or Dog - None of them.
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - ...
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy ^^
6. Pencil or Pen - Pencil
7. Wild night out or Romatic night in - Halfies ? :D
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness obviously~
9. Night or Day - One without the other is just as terrible .
10. IM or phone - Dno .
10 'Have You Ever's
1. Been caught sneaking out - Yeahh .
2. Seen a polar bear - Ya , in television and mags .
3. Done something you regret - ALOT .
4. Bungee jumped - YES
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Don't think so .
6. Finished entire jaw breaker - Depends on which .
7. Been caught naked - Never -.-
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - Not possible .
9. Cried because you lost a pet - NO
10.Wanted to disappear - Wanted to die , not disappear .
preferences in a partner
1. Smile or eyes - Eyes .
2. Light or dark hair - Dark hair . Although I like Caucasian's blonde
3. Hugs or Kisses - Not sure .
4. Shorter or taller - Taller of course .
5. Intelligent or attraction - Both .
6. Topman or Zara - What's that ? 0.0
7. Funny or serious - Depending when and atmosphere .
8. Older or Younger -idk . :D
9. Outgoing or Quiet - Depending on time . Whichever is suitable .
10. Sweet or Bad - I like bad boys , but not that bad larhhs . Must have certain amount of sweetness in him . :)
'Have You's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yeahh , if in school is counted ?
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hour - Yahh , loads of times .
3. Ever walked on hands - NVR .
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Yesh . But not that fun .
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - Erms ... Dno ?
6. Ever been in a dance team - Kindergarten (LOL) .
7. Ever been in a sports team - Ya .
8. Ever been in a drama play - Yeahs .
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley? - No .
10. Ever been in a rap video - No .
1 'Last's1. Last phone call you made - MUM . -.-
2. Last person you hugged - Erms . No need to know .
3. Last person you hung out with - How to remember ? >.<
4. Last time you worked - Work for wad.
5. Last person you talked to - MUM .
6. Last person you IM'd - Bo IM .
7. Last person you texted - Qian Yu
8. Last person you when movie with - I cannot rem
9. Last person /thing you missed - Erms ...
10. Last website visited -My class 1N1's blog
Tag people to do this : EVERYONE
you know you love me

Sunday, March 22, 2009
at 1:04 AM

What is your full name?

- Dun wanna tell~ :D

Do you like your first name?

- See for urself

How long have you liked the person you currently like?

- Not long ago.

Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?

- NO

Did you cry today?

- Nopeys~

What were you doing at this morning at 8AM?

- Sleeping

What were you doing an hour ago?


What are you doing currently?

- Doing this quiz and sms le

Have you told anyone that you love him/her today?

- Don't think so .

Do you miss anyone now?

- Yeahhh . Hope can see later :D

Any plans for tomorrow?

- No cause tmr have sch

What is the reason behind the last time you cried?

- I don't remember .

Is there anyone you wish to be with?


Have you ever kissed any living thing start with C?

- Nono .

Did someone make you smile today?

- no one .

Name a friend whose name starts with a Z.

- Zhi Yun D:

Which of your friend stays closest to you?

- IDK cause got alot stay near me

Do you prefer a call or text?

- Text . Lots of things can't be said through the phone easily .

Was today better than yesterday?

- IDK;cause it is still not a day yet

Can you live a day without your TV and your Handphone?

- Can;got com can le

Are you mad at anything now?

- Not really ...

What does your last few text message in your inbox says?

- I not sure .

Is your room messy now?

- Yes ..

Tag 10 person to do this quiz if they have a blog.

-SPS pupil

-YTSS pupil

-SPS&YTSS senior








you know you love me

Thursday, March 19, 2009
1N1 at 2:16 AM

Make custom Glitter Graphics

you know you love me

<3 at 2:05 AM

My Life
Create cool Profile Comments

you know you love me

MUST DO 3 at 1:11 AM

Tag 10 people
To Do The QuizMUST DO!!!!!!
4.Everyone whom come here
10.idk(i dunnoe who to put liao cause i put EVEYONE)
1.What is your name?
2.When is your birthday?
17 August
3.Who is your favourite actor/actress?
don't have ...
4.Who is your favourite singer?
donno ...
5.What is your favourite Television Programme?
Erm.... got a lot sia
6.What is your favourite colour?
Look with ur see it is wrote there
7.What are you going to do three hours later?
AT School
8.What is your CCA★?
Band;Wind Orchestra
9.What is your current wish?
Get BETTER results on term 2
10.How do you feel now?
11.What is your favourite subject?
12.Who was the sender who sent you the lastest meassage?
13.What are you doing now?
Doing this quiz and blogging now =D
you know you love me

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
MUST DO 2 at 8:19 PM

1)What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?

Answer: Friends

2)Do you ever turn your cellphone off?

Answer: Not really

3)What happened at 10.00am today?

Answer: I still sleeping.

4)When do you last cry?

Answer: idk

5)What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?

Answer: bread ?

6)What do you want in your life right now?

Answer: erm....idk

7)Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put out your hood?

Answer: Umbrella.

8)What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?

Answer: me.

9)Which bottoms are you wearing now?

Answer: Shorts?

10)What's the nicest text in your inbox says?

Answer: It says ... I dno . I deleted everything.

11)Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?

Answer: If i want.

12)Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

Answer: No.

13)What's the last movie you watch?

Answer: idk leh.

14)What are you proud of?

Answer: me? lol.

15)What does the oldest text message in your inbox says?

Answer:there is nth inside

16)What's the last song you sang out loud?

Answer: My school song

17)Do you have any nicknames?

Answer: Who doesn't?

18)What does your last received message says?


19)What time do you go to bed last night?

Answer: 3am

20)Are you currently happy?

Answer: No D:

21)Who gave you the best advise?

Answer: Myself. LOL

22)Who do u wish to be closest friends?

Answer: Everyone lah.

23)Who did you talk on the phone with last night?

Answer: Someone on earth.Hahaha

24)Is anything bugging you right now?

Answer: yes.

25)What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?

Answer: Erm , classmates.2

6)Do you wear toe socks?

Answer: it looks stupid >

27)Who was the last person you missed a call from?

Answer: i think is my mother

28)Have you ever had you heart broken?

Answer: Yes

29)What annoys you most in a person?

Answer: their stupidity LOL >30)

Do you have crush on somebody?

Answer: i think so

31)Have you ever tried cocaine?

Answer: This is obvious.

32)What's the colour of your room?

Answer: white and blue

33)Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?

Answer: i will not.

34)Do you believe in saying 'talk in cheap'?

Answer: dunc even knw th meaning .

35)Who was the last person who to lay on your bed?

Answer: ME ?!

36)Who was the last person to hug you?

Answer: I forgot.

37)What do you want to say to the person?

Answer: I dun even remember who .

38)Do you have a life?

Answer: yes.That is myself the...

39)Have you ever think someone dead, when they really didn't?

Answer: wad do yu mean .

40)What is the reason behind your profile song?

Answer: hahahaha cause it is nice! :X

41)Who is the last person you saw in your dream?

Answer: lol ><

42)Last time you smiled?

Answer: tdy.

43)Have you changed this year?

Answer: Yes

44)What are you listening to right now?

Answer: blog song

45)Are you talking to someone when doing this?

Answer: bernice!

46)Do you walked with your eyes open or closed?

Answer: close only in the moring for school haha

47)Is there a quote you live by?

Answer: No

48)Do you want someone you can't have?

Answer: No

49)Have you ever played an instrument?

Answer: of coure,i in c.o.(last time )and now in band

50)What is the worst idea you've in the week?

Answer: Dno leh .

51)What were you doing last night at 11pm?

Answer: Watching TV

52)Are you happy with your love life right now?

Answer: Idk

53)What song to describe your love life?

Answer: lol.

54)Does the person know you like him/her?

Answer: ._.

55)Who always make you laugh?

Answer: myself >.>

56)Do you speak other language other than English?

Answer: Chinese, but hardly ._. Cus i know i sound so damn funny cn !

57)Are you blond?

Answer: no.

58)What's your middle name?

Answer: wads my middle name?

59)What are you doing tomorrow?

Answer: I need do homework ! lol.

60)What do you think you are like?

Answer: Me?

61)Who will you choose to die with?

Answer: me

62)Where have you been today?

Answer: No where cause i love my com

63)What game do you play often?

Answer: Audi

64)Who are you missing right now?

Answer: me.

69)What emotions you like to show?

Answer: lol

70)What is life to you?

Answer: idk.

71)If you have something troubling you, what will you do?

Answer: Keep it in my heart or tell my BEST FIREND

72)Who did you last chat in MSN today?

Answer: a lot of ppl lol

73)Who do you admire the most?

Answer: Nobodyy .

74)Which month are you born?

Answer: Aug .Why u giving me present?

75)How are you feeling right now?

Answer: ok .

76)What is the time now?

Answer: 11.51am when i do this Q

77)Where are you now?

Answer: Home.

78)What colour do you use to dye your hair?

Answer: Never tried it :D

79)Why are you doing this test?

Answer: Because I'm bored .

80)What do you do when you're moody?

Answer: dno .

81)Are you stupid?

Answer: No.

82)Who is more important to you?

Answer: idk

O83)Do you think you have enough confidence?


84)Who is the person you trust the most?

Answer: z.

85)Do you believe in seeing rainbow after rain?

Answer: Not really.

86)If you have a dream come true, what will it be?

Answer: See first .

87)What is your goal for this year?

Answer: idk.

88)Do you believe in eternity love?

Answer: No. Its fake.

89)Who do you love?

Answer: z

90)Do you really think it's global warming now?

Answer: Ya.

91)What do you hate the most?

Answer: z

92)If someone you love hurts you a lot, what would you do?

Answer: what cn i do ?

93)Do you believe in God?

Answer: YES ><

94)Who do you care the most?


95)What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

Answer: Family, friends

96)What will you bring when you are in a fight?

Answer: You wan me kill people uh lol.

97)How are you feeling today?

Answer: I feel so bad 'arh',o i feel so bad 'arh',o i feel so o i feel so bad 'arh'.

98)What would you feel when no one longer care about you?

Answer: its too bad. ):

99)What if your stead is two-timer?

Answer: break ? o.o ?

100)Why are you living in this world?

Answer: Because I was born O.o

Extra Question101) Are you feeling great now cause the quiz has end?

Answer: yes. &cn sabo people.

Now now.. Sabo 7 people anyone.

-SPS pupil


-SPS and YTSS senior





you know you love me

sob sob at 2:35 AM

I bored till said cause there are lots of homework and almost everyday is not free TH WORST IS I MISS SEMBAWANG PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPIL sobsob.
you know you love me

MUST DO at 2:23 AM

1)If you could change your name, wad would it be?
IDK,cause i dunwan to change
2)Do you think you are good looking?
LOL no.
3)Are you single or taken?
4)Are you happily single or taken?
5)What's your favourite colour?
all the colour of the world
6)Do you think the world is round or flat?
Round lah.
7)Spongebob or Patrick?
8)Chuckie or Tommy?
Who the hell are they??
9)Pooh or Eeyore?
Or baby pooh?baby pooh
10)Black or white?Black&White.
11)Who are your best friends?
Too many lazy type.
12)Who is your enemy?
Cannot's a secret =X
13)Who is your hero?
idk .
14)Who was the last person you saw?
my family
15)Who was the last person you hugged?
no one
16)Who was the last person I told I love them?
cannot say hahaha
17)Who is the person you miss most?
erm......secert tooo.
18)What is one thing that brightens your day?
Com?? ahhahaha.
19)When was the last time you went on vacation?
I forgot..
20)Who was the last person to annoy you?
Someone from Earth
21)Against or for gay marriage????
22)Bush or Kerry?
Who r they?
23)Against or for abortion?
100% against it man!
24)When was the last tym you cried?
i dno.
25)When was the last time you were absolutely happy?
26)Who was the last person you yelled at?
Idk .
27)Do you think you are well liked?
depends. lol.
28)Do you go to Talawanda?
Where the hell is dis place???
Tag 7 people to do this quiz!!!!
Everyone who reads this must do.
The SPS(Sembawang Primary School)pupil
you know you love me

Saturday, March 14, 2009
FLUTE at 2:14 AM

you rox sia quit ART club and join band >.<
her join the flautist now we got 4 ppl WE ROX.
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you know you love me

MY FRIEND at 1:25 AM

Here there might not be all my friends if u want me to add u in u must give me ur picture hahaha.
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you know you love me

at 1:18 AM

Erm,i think this is the time bernice first time come my house therefore i bought her there .
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you know you love me

LOVE 1N1 at 1:08 AM

I need idea to create a class. Please tag at this tag board Ty.

ShoutMix chat widget

you know you love me

1n1 at 12:52 AM

Our class (1N1)when to ren ci community hospital >.Mdm Ho,Mdm Tang,Irina and dunnoe whose parent.
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you know you love me

Sunday, March 8, 2009
MISS U at 6:31 AM

Sembawang Primary 6C AND all of ur <3>
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you know you love me

The Queen

Hi. My name is Jeanne. I hate nicknames I would hit you because u gave me a nickname most of the case is liddat. My name is unique because there is tons of nickname( wtf), see! I'm from the Earth and I go to Earth because I live thr. You know, I am actually someone else tat no one know maybe some ppl might noe (if you noe dun tell ty). Don't tell anyone though. You know you love me. ... more


Have a new phone
get the subjects i wan!:D
lesser nicknames
Do well in exam
buy more jeans
buy more tank tops
New laptop


6C’08 1n1’09
Amanda Angela cai rong Chee Kiat cheralyn derrick | Iskandar,| | Jia Yi,
| |
Jing Wen, | | ke xin,| | katricia,| ... more



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This blogskin is proudly brought to you by Mrs. Chuck Bass, with a lil' help of Chili with the basecodes. Thanks to Enlaced for the pretty icons and Tumblr for the inspirations.
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